We did nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be.
Hmm...that sounds familiar...This is becoming a trend.
The main reason for the two weekends of doing nothing is actually very simple. Little Dude is potty training with wild abandon (I'm not actually sure if that makes any sense). I haven't mentioned this yet because I find the whole topic of potty training to be a sensitive subject. Yes, he's three years old now. Yes, up until very recently, he has not being using the toilet with any frequency. No, I don't think I'm a bad parent because of this.
I was one of those moms who thought she'd be the one to have her child potty trained by the day he turned two. That day came and went, as did the day he turned three, and I finally realized it didn't matter. I finally came to a place of acceptance, where I realized that he wasn't going to college in a diaper, and it would happen when it happened. I had to stop listening to the other moms around me, bragging about being diaper free. I had to stop worrying about how their kids were younger than mine and already using the toilet full time. Most importantly, I had to stop judging myself. We take on so much as parents, don't we? We praise our kids for being individuals, and then judge ourselves if they don't accomplish something when we want them to. Something's not right about that.
So anyway, Little Dude finally decided that he wanted to keep his pull-ups dry and clean (he doesn't like big boy underpants yet - too scratchy, he says), and he's done just that. For the past week he's only had two accidents, and I'm pretty darn proud of him.
Over the weekend we stayed close to home to help facilitate his use of the potty (not that he really needed it - he's perfectly happy to use the toilet pretty much anywhere, as long as we have his travel seat). He played with his cars:
I did a little cooking:
And we caught up on a few movies:
(Yes, we have Netflix, but only the one out at a time package, and sometimes we have to supplement with redbox)
What did you do this weekend?