Blazing through Navy life one duty station at a time.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Three things for Thursday - the blog overload edition

I love blogs.  I know.  You're thinking, "Duh.  You have a blog, so of course you love them."  What I mean to say is that I love other people's blogs.  I can get lost for hours clicking on different blogs, reading about fashion, design, parenting, and other peoples' lives.  It's one of the things that makes blogging great.  You have instant access to people and places you wouldn't normally ever come into contact with.  I get great ideas from blog stalking.  At times however, I also get depressed by my blog stalking ways.  

When I started blogging, I had no idea what I was doing, which was one of the things that appealed to me.  It was a creative challenge, and I am always up for one of those.  Seven months and 61 posts later, I still have no idea what I'm doing.  But, I am, by nature, a highly competitive perfectionist.  As a result, all of my blog stalking sometimes makes me realize just how clueless I am about the blogging world.  There are better writers and better blog designs out there.  There are bloggers with huge followings.  There are bloggers who have parlayed their blogging into a successful writing career.  And then there's me.

I initially intended to write about our life as a Navy family.  The ups and downs, the funny and the absurd.  But there really hasn't been a whole lot of action on that front lately, so I have segued into other topics.  Topics that interest me.  I guess I'd say I'm on a bit of a journey to discover the purpose of this blog, and what direction I intend to take it in.  But for now, for the most part, I am simply enjoying the journey.  I hope you are too.

For my list today, here are three blogs that inspire me.  I have never met any of these bloggers, but I admire their writing, topics and design aesthetic:

1. The Daybook.  Sydney and her husband Tyson blog about their lives and their personal style.  I love her fearlessness and dedication to fashion.  And she's just so cute!

2. I am Bossy.  Georgia Getz's blog is like none other.  I would classify it as a humor blog.  I generally always find myself laughing (quite loudly) to many of her posts.

3. Design*Sponge.  This one's a bit more topic specific, and you'll probably only enjoy it if you're into home and product design.  Even if you're not, you may enjoy their sneak peaks into people's homes, their before and after projects, or their city guides.

What are your favorite blogs to visit?