Blazing through Navy life one duty station at a time.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Over the weekend

I'm back!  I think...I probably shouldn't make promises I may or may not keep.  Blogging has definitely proven to be a challenging venture for me.  On the one hand, I know that I need to make an effort to post multiple times a week, even if I really don't feel like it.  On the other hand,  I am hesitant to post on the days that I am feeling less than inspired.  The end result is that I hit weeks where I don't post at all.  All I can say about this is that it's a work in progress, like much of life.

We had some great family time this weekend, topped off by a surprise spring snow shower which afforded us an extra day to our weekend.  Little Dude enjoyed harassing the dog, playing with his cars, and a trip to the big city to see "Mars Needs Moms" at the movie theater.  He seemed to enjoy the movie well enough.  As for me, I just can't get over the strangeness of motion-capture animation.  It would probably explain why I have never seen "The Polar Express".  Coming back from the movie on Sunday night the snow storm hit.  What a way to celebrate the first day of Spring!.

Enjoy some snapshots from our weekend!

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Our poor, sweet dog.  He stayed under there with her for nearly an hour.

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I mean seriously, don't all toy cars need platforms?

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Little feet and legs at the movies

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Heaven.  Although he was concerned that the hood didn't open.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the tragedy that has been unfolding in Japan.  My heart goes out to all those affected.  If you can give, do.  The Red Cross and Habitat for Humanity are excellent places to start.  Please also keep all the military families involved in you thoughts.  The Red Cross is helping military dependents in the voluntary evacuation of the area.  You can go here to read more about supporting military families in Japan.