Blazing through Navy life one duty station at a time.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Over the weekend

This weekend we did nothing.  We did nothing and it was everything I thought it could be (name that movie).

Seriously.  We did nothing.  We slept late, stayed in our p.j.s, played with Little Dude and his new toys, and never left the house (well, except for an ill-fated trip to Walmart that involved a hysterical 3 year old who wanted ANOTHER new car, but I'm choosing to pretend like that trip never happened).  The only major accomplishment of the weekend was the annual "Oh crap it's a new year, we'd better take the tree down" event.

As a result of out weekend of nothing, I have no pictures of note to share.  But since it wouldn't be an "over the weekend" post without a few snapshots of what we did over the weekend (naturally), I'll share with you before and after shots of our major accomplishment.  What can I say?  I'm reaching here.


Can you tell how proud I am to have the tree down by the first week of January?  My, what an accomplishment...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Natalie- You are making me feel bad that my tree is still up! I am supposed to be taking it down now...instead I am on FB (Reading your BLOG)! It's all your fault! LOL ~Maggie

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